There are many different sports with fantastic athletes around the world, and many of those sports have cards for their players. However, sports organizations are not the ones making these sports cards—instead, it’s a few different top companies making them today.


Around for the last 70 or so years, Topps became and remains a popular sports card brand. Featuring players from all kinds of sports, Topps has released a few cards that every collector desperately wants to add to their collection. Most notably, their Topps Baseball collection has numerous cards with autographs and inserts that every card collector is on the lookout for.


Unlike these other companies, Panini is an Italian company that began by making stickers for soccer fans. Since their inception in 1959, however, they’ve expanded their production to include cards for all kinds of sports, with one of their most popular being the Prizm Basketball card series. If you want to be a serious basketball card collector, you need a couple of Prizm cards for your collection.

Upper Deck

One of the most well-known sports card companies of today is Upper Deck, and they’ve earned that reputation for a reason. They’re the official trading card partner of all major North American sports leagues. Upper Deck also includes special insert sets with memorabilia cards and autograph cards. They’ve done so much already, but Upper Deck is going to continue releasing cards and other memorabilia that collectors won’t be able to pass on.

Leaf Trading Cards

A newcomer to the trading card world, Leaf Trading Cards has made waves in the last decade. In addition to the standard cards for current athletes, they also produce some high-quality autograph cards and memorabilia for vintage players and athletes who have defined their respective sports. Whatever Leaf Trading Cards produces is sure to gain the attention of collectors far and wide. So if you get a chance to add one of their products to your collection, do it.

Cryptozoic Entertainment

Beginning in 2015, Cryptozoic Entertainment doesn’t have the same history as these other companies, but they’ve still made an incredible impact in their nearly decade-long history. Their flagship product, the Cryptozoic Super Series, includes autographs and memorabilia from legends in the world of sports, making them something every collector wants to get their hands on.

So many companies are making sports cards today, but these top ones are a league above the rest. Their reputation and the quality they put into each and every one of the cards have made them quite valuable for collectors. At JRI Cards, we’ll help you add some of their cards to your collection. We have cards of all shapes and sizes from these companies, including some quality vintage football cards from these companies’ early years. If you want to beef up your collection and become a real collector, work with us today and find the right cards for you!