In the world of trading cards, a valuable card is one that’s simply on the market, trading hands. In recent years, more and more people and organizations have begun doing card breaks on large platforms with lots of viewers, and in some of these card breaks, they pulled valuable cards that are quite rare. The chances of pulling a rare card in a card break are low, but as proven in these card pulls, the chances are definitely not zero.

1952 Topps Mickey Mantle #311

In 1952, Mickey Mantle was one of the best baseball players that people had ever seen, and this popularity came at the same time that baseball cards were taking off. This iconic card holds a special place in the hearts of collectors worldwide, with its rarity driving enthusiasts to great lengths to acquire this legendary piece of history. The allure and mystique surrounding this card continue to captivate the imagination of collectors and fans alike. Currently, this Mickey Mantle card goes for at least $1 million.

1998 Pokémon Charizard Card #4

Pokémon cards have seen a resurgence in the last decade, partly because some of the oldest cards are incredibly rare and boast a high dollar value. The first run of Pokémon cards included the first edition Charizard card. Because of its rarity and Charizard’s status as a favorite Pokémon for collectors worldwide, this card is highly sought after. A high-quality version that someone may pull in a box break can go for tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on grading.

1993 Upper Deck SP Derek Jeter #279

Derek Jeter is one of the stars of modern baseball, and this card was pulled during a break in 1993. Little did anyone know at the time that this card would go on to become one of the most valuable baseball cards ever, earning the title of “Holy Grail” among collectors. Certain versions can fetch prices as high as hundreds of thousands of dollars.

1986–1987 Fleer Michael Jordan #57

In 1986, card collectors pulled this card in a break, and since then, it has become one of the most valuable cards in basketball card collecting. Current estimates have this card at over $50,000, but in pristine condition, it has even sold for over $200,000. However, its significance is not isolated to this value. Its significance also lies in its historical importance, making it an iconic piece of basketball memorabilia. Collectors value this card because of its rarity and because it symbolizes Michael Jordan’s rise to greatness and his impact on the sport.

After learning about some of the most valuable cards ever pulled in a card break, you’re probably wondering how you can get in on your own card break. At JRI Cards, you can get cards or packs, but we also have card breaks of all shapes and sizes that allow you to jump in on the fun and potentially get an incredibly valuable card for your own collection.